Seminar at Institute of Microbiology – Cytoscape systems biology tools environment


We would like to invite you to a seminar at Institute of Microbiology, Prague: Martin Černý, PhD – „Genexpi: method for validating and inferring gene regulatory networks using time-course expression data“.

Wednesday, February 15th, 11:00, at Conference room 2, Institute of Microbiology, Vídeňská 1083, building L, 1st floor.

Genexpi is both a method and a tool developed at the Laboratory of Bioinformatics as a part of Cytoscape systems biology tools environment.

The tool is designed to discover and/or validate plausible regulatory interactions whenever time-series of gene expression are available (e.g. from Gene expression Omnibus or measured using NGS or chips). An example of its application to B. subtilis sigA regulatory network will be given.

We will discuss the design, assumptions and basic mechanism of Genexpi. If this sparks interest, a hands-on tutorial with the tool will be scheduled.

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