Genome annotation & Galaxy Large Data Handling online workshop


This workshop is open to everybody interested in Galaxy and consists of two main parts:

The first part of the workshop (starting at 14:00) will be hands-on and introduce attendees to some advanced Galaxy’s capabilities. Namely we will walk through the best practices of processing hundreds of datasets simultaneously using Dataset Collections, you will learn how to use the Rule Based Uploader to create and handle collections dynamically e.g. from a list of remote files and if there is time we will cover inherited name tags, that enable you to better organize large scale analyses in your Galaxy History.

In the second part (starting at 15:00), a guest speaker, Petr Novák from Biology Centre CAS, will present his findings on the use of Galaxy in the field of repetitive sequences and genome annotation. Dr Novák is one of the key figures behind the successful RepeatExplorer Galaxy and will demonstrate how to use the tools available on the RepeatExplorer server to annotate genome assemblies. He will introduce the annotation tool DANTE and explain how to create a custom library of repeats from the RepeatExplorer2 output and how to use this library for annotating genome assemblies.


Registration is closed. Due to hands-on concept we have to limit number of participants to 50.


Jiří Vondrášek
ELIXIR CZ, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS

Martin Čech
ELIXIR CZ, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS

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