The seventh ELIXIR CZ Annual conference 2022: Plant Cytogenomics
The conference will be held on 19-21 September 2022 at the Conference Centre of the Academy of Sciences in Chateau Třešť. The three-day conference will focus on plant genomics and chromosome biology. We are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker is Dr Ilia J. Leitch.
Registration at the venue will take place on 19 September at 12:30 and the conference will start with a joint lunch. During the three conference days, you can look forward to six lecture sessions (three or four lectures per session) and two evening poster sessions.
In order to encourage collaboration and build trust and respect among researchers, the traditional netball tournament will take place.
Please register your team via email:
Refreshments will be provided throughout the conference.
Monday sept. 19
11:30 — 13:30 Registraton
12:00 — 13:30 Lunch
13:30 — 15:00 SESSION 1: Big data and ELIXIR
13:30 — 14:10 Ilia J. Leitch
Genome size diversity and why it matters – insights from the Plant
DNA C‐values database
14:10 — 14:35 Jiří Vondrášek
ELIXIR CZ meets challenges of data management in Life Sciences
14:35 — 14:50 Petr Novák
ELIXIR CZ supported tools for genome annotations and data sharing
15:00 — 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 — 16:40 SESSION 2: Repetitive DNA
15:30 — 16:00 Tony Heitkam
Repetitive DNA in plants: a guide to genomic change and regulatory innovation
16:00 — 16:20 Nicola Schmidt
Beet ‘em up: Unifying 30 years of repeat research in beets and wild beets
16:20 — 16:40 Zdeněk Kubát
LTR retrotransposons preferentially spread through either the male or female
plant germline
16:40 — 17:00 Pavel Jedlička
Reconstruction of LTR retrotransposons insertions in plant genomes
17:00 — 17:10 Presentaton of sponsors
17:10 — 18:10 Break
18:10 — 19:40 Dinner
19:40 — 22:10 Posters I
Tuesday sept.20
9:30 — 9:50 Jiří Macas
9:50 — 10:10 Yi‐Tzu Kuo
is comprised of a few megabase‐sized CENH3 positive satellite arrays
in holocentric compared to monocentric Cuscuta species
11:00 — 11:30 Andreas Houben
11:30 — 11:50 Steven Dreissig
low‐recombining regions in domesticated rye
11:50 — 12:10 Václav Bačovský
12:10 — 12:30 Jana Szecówka
chromosomes in interspecific plant hybrids (Lolium × Festuca)
14:00 — 15:00 Posters II
15:00 — 20:00 SPORTS and GAMES
15:00 — 16:30 Orienteering
15:45 — 20:00 Football tennis/Footnet
20:00 — 23:00 Dinner + PARTY
Wednesday sept. 21
9:30 — 9:50 Martin Kovačik
9:50 — 10:10 Yile Huang
of Heliophila variabilis (Brassicaceae)
11:20 — 11:40 Miroslava Karafiátová
trait in legumes
Registration is closed on a first-come-first-served basis. The conference is limited to 80 participants.
Presentations and posters
Participants are invited to submit a poster abstract to before 10th Aug 2022. In addition to special poster sessions, posters will be on display throughout the meeting, allowing ample time for discussion. Selected poster authors will also be invited to give a short oral presentation based on the submitted abstract.
Conference costs and accommodation
No registration fee is required. The accommodation has been booked for participants at the Conference Centre of the Academy of Sciences in Chateau Třešť.
Please make your own travel arrangements to the venue.
Conference Center of the CAS Chateau Třešť
Dr. Richtra 234
589 01 Třešť
GPS 49°17’40.689″N, 15°29’14.647″E
Phone: +420 567 211 800
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Zuzana Machálková
Anna Strachotová
Phone : +420 220 183 201
E-mail :